Home » Rab Pinnacle Ridge Extreme 2024 » Mandatory Kit for Pinnacle Ridge Extreme
If you are in any doubt about any aspect of the mandatory kit requirements or suitable footwear, please email us at enquiries@mountainrun.co.uk well in advance of the race.
In addition to the items listed above, we strongly advise you take account of the prevailing weather conditions & dress accordingly. Your kit should be sufficient to keep you warm in the event that you are injured and have to make a long, slow walk back to safety.
The Race Director reserves the right to ask for additional warm clothing (e.g. tights or insulating jacket) to be worn or carried if, in his judgment, the weather conditions on race day demand it. You will be informed of any additional requirements at the pre-race safety talk, with a final decision being made 30 minutes before the start.
Due to the nature of the terrain and the course, there is NO supplied food aid station on the Pinnacle Ridge Extreme.
However, in very warm weather there will be water at CP1, after CP5 at the foot of the descent of CatstyCam and after CP7 in the valley of Grisedale, before you ascend to Pinnacle Ridge
You MUST carry whatever food and drink you feel that you will need to complete the route safely.
Please note that this is in addition to your 200 calories of emergency rations, which must be unused at the finish line.