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Win a FREE entry to the inaugural Scafell Sky Race 2017

We have a place in the inaugural Scafell Sky Race to give away completely FREE to one lucky racer. Check the details below to see how you can WIN.

in Race News / Competition / Skyrunning / Skyrunning

Gus Dynafit Ssr Png Green Gable Sky Logo Assett
Scafell  Sky  Race  Assett
Sky Running Uk Assett Edited 1

The Competition: 

How it works;  

  1. Like our Facebook Page and/or.....
  2. Follow our Twitter page.... then.....
  3. Share or tweet about either or both..... doubling your chances!!
  4. Thats it!

The competition is live for the next month and a bit, finishing on the 28th of February 2017

At that point we will dip our digital hands into a digital hat and draw out a name for the winner, be it from Facebook or Twitter. 

Scafell Skyrace Copyright Steve Ashworth 1
Running uber technical trails around the waist of Great Gable on the 'Climbers Traverse' ©Steve Ashworth

The Race: 

If you're looking for a super technical and extreme sky race in the UK, without any of the graded rock scrambling and without any vetting, then you have found the right race. 

The Scafell Sky Race's inaugural edition this year will set you on fire with some of the best technical single track trails that the UK has to offer. 

We've designed the course to give you everything we believe a 'Sky Race' should have, without the rick scrambling on graded routes. 

So if you want a FREE entry into the Scafell Sky Race™, then get liking/following and share it with your mates!!

Scafell Skyrace Copyright Steve Ashworth 7
Running technical trails on the Scafell Sky Race™ ©Steve Ashworth
Mountain Fuel sponsor the Lakes Sky Ultra weekend

Mountain Fuel sponsor the Lakes Sky Ultra weekend

Mountain Fuel are a progressive sports nutrition and hydration company based in the heart of the northern Lakes. They

Entries are now open!

Entries are now open!

Entries for the Lakes Sky Ultra 2017 are now open, with only 150 places available don't take too long to think about

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